
God in whatever form you choose 

God in the milk thistle and the morning bobcat 

God in my twelve trees and God 


God in the yawning farmland 

Good workers unblinking honest hands 

The quarter harvest

The clock of daybreak and the last ray 

The peacock in the canyon 

its coyote counterweight

God in this gentle balance 

God with the great green scales 

God weighing 

Weighing holiness with the morning lark.


I bought a piece of bone for my hair 

A needle to tie it up 

In this way I like to be 

Close to the root of things


A slight doe and her fawn live in this canyon 

I’ve seen them several times 

Caught them 

With my eyes only

Bound by sinew, dusky in dappled redwood brush 

I’ve seen them several times 

Caught them

With my heart only 

Twinkling, boundless, onward, hush

Ode to Mary

This trembling wreath of a summer morning 

Glass dew necklace in sweet grass 

The mutter of the yellow finch


Can you see me with the quail and the poppies? 

Can you see me from where you are? 

I was foolish to think you were bound by the heavens 

For on mornings like this 

When the sun has chased the cotton away 

And my cheeks are red before breakfast 

I see your form in everything on earth



Above me 

All day 

The sound of wings, beating

But Grief Still Blooms Like Roadside Flares in My Chest

Today, the massacre came in 

A marine layer cutting 

She left my vocal cords thrashing blindly in their sinewed breaths

She razed my rusting resistance, doubled and halved it, shore it down to parts and carried it away 

She dragged snow batting to the field and stuffed it in the echos

Swung her great hand towards the bulging knob of noise and turned it down 

This dove-silence is not a token, though 

She hummed for years and halted 

Winking behind corners, taunting, elusive wise-cracking

Only now she thrums in perfect, silver harmony with each cresting fit

A glorious night call, aching 

Moon-pulled and gravitational in her eternity


I can see the whitecaps from my porch 

Rows of rushing, gasping 

A fleet of them 

On the road today there were three dead things 

Someone’s cat 

An oppossum and a tawny owl 

They greeted me in quiet succession 

Breathing, somewhere

Somewhere on another planet

I think I’ll carry the whitecaps with me

Nestled close to those dead things

Carry them all ‘till bedtime

And at ten pm I’ll lay them down 

One by one 

Life by life 

To rest 

To rest 

To rest